!Friday, October 19, 2007

I have finally managed to twiddle around with the xanga codes to get some sort of a new webpage going. Wow, now I'm off to doing something revolutionary. Start and end a three-day water war. Shave my head. Study math.

Please link or subscribe!


!Wednesday, October 17, 2007
So where do we go from now?

I can't say myself that I'm really happy with my results (especially math, maybe slightly mep and lit too). But I think I'm satisfied generally judging by the less-than-copious hours I spent studying (on average I spent more time on the computer). And math, as I predicted, was pretty messy messy messy.

But whatever, there's still next year and O levels and I swear I'm going to come in everyday high on Brands Chicken Essence (pretty potent stuff) and sleep at unearthly hours studying. Thought not now, I'm suffering from exam fatigue.

P.S. I found out what kept me awake for the whole night till 6 am before bio. I drank a whole mug of this malaysia white-coloured coffee- that little wonder in a satchet works better than Red Bull.

Holidays are Europe and job attachment. Pretty excited. And at this moment I will insert a well-meant smiley (:


!Sunday, October 14, 2007
BRUSSELS (AFP) - A baby girl was born over the Sahara desert during the night aboard a Brussels Airlines flight from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Belgium, the company said in a statement Friday.

Baby Daniella -- named after the co-pilot for the Kinshasa-Brussels flight -- "is doing fine thanks to the help of two doctors who happened to be aboard as well as the crew," the statement said.
A 31-year-old Congolese woman, who was not identified, gave birth to the child at around 0200 GMT as the Airbus A330-300 was flying over the Sahara.

"Given the absence of any nearby airport, the birth took place aboard," the company said.
Mother and child were taken to hospital on arrival in Brussels.

"Flight SN352, therefore, had 233 passengers aboard on departure and 234 on arrival," the statement ended.

Haha don't these lucky people get free airplane rides for the rest of their lives or something? I remember saying something recently about how if I was an expectant mother I would loiter around Gucci or something then rush in when I'm about to give birth, and I will get free Gucci bags for life!

Gucci Wong.
Salvatore Ferragamo Wong.
Louis Vuitton-Wong. LV Wong! Haha.

Tell me that I'm so superficial materialistic blah blah but you have to make sacrifices for the happiness of your child-to-be right?

Then I would purposely give birth to quintiplets like on the hallowed polished marble floors of Gucci. Whoohoo my five kids will have a lifetime supply of Gucci-ware!

Enough of my fake musings, I'm actually secretly bored at home and reading all these breaking news on Yahoo! so SURPRISE ME BY ASKING ME TO GO SOMEWHERE PLZZZZ! (yes I'm so desperate I'm resolving to lian language. Touched?)

Anyway on thursday me jacq aud and sze went out for fun and we ended up killing our poor feet walking into some really out-of-the-way place Mandarin something for audrey's tights!

And on friday we finally had a 4+4 gathering with all eight of us! I haven't seen/talked to the NJ people in such a long time, it was a very pleasant day (: (Even you, tricia, although I'd hate to admit it. Haha)

Very shaky pictures from the very arthritic Sarah. Thanks! And szee I owe you pictures can I send them to your email? Cause my msn is down. Again.

Is tomorrow on?


!Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's over! (My exams and my 14th year and practically the rest of my life)

Yes so anyway today was my chinese paper which I think I pretty much screwed up but anyway who really cares because it was my birthday on 9th october! Which is a very special day because it's the only day I can get my brother to do the dishes and peel the skin off my gourmet vine-ripened green grapes and serenade a birthday song with the violins, trombone, banjo and bongo drums all at once!

None of that really came true anyway but I did get something from he-who-must-not-be-named-is-in-the-girls-are-icky-phrase! I got a .... ... (are you ready for this?) BIRTHDAY HANDSHAKE! (In all its pseudo-authencity and fake sentiment).

Thanks to all the people who wished me happy birthday too! And sze and audrey for the presents! And those who tolerated all my I-want-a-range-of-technicolour-volkswagens-to-match-my-sock-colours-for-my-birthday nonsense.


!Sunday, September 30, 2007



!Thursday, August 23, 2007
I hate math I hate trigo I hate doing corrections I hate losing my 0.38 signo ball black pen with the super fine tip I hate the people on the bus who always take up the aisle seat even though there's no one sitting at the window seat.

I'm on a non-computer phase until my birthday (9 October, a purple Volkswagen Beetle would be nice) which is coincidentally on the day of my A math paper. Sometimes I think someone up there is fooling around with the celestial calendar to annoy the hell out of me.

After the exams I'm going to go crazy and sleep at five in the morning, read Tintin comics all over again and play super mario on my brother's gameboy until I save the princess peach (or prudence, or pastry, or petticoat, whatever her name is) or until my fingers peel off, whichever happens first. And then I will race around the new F1 tracks in Singapore with my shiny spanking new purple volkswagen (that someone will graciously provide as a birthday present).

So I'm officially not updating till my exams are over. Have fun!


!Saturday, August 11, 2007

Happy National Day!

If you're an average, schoolgoing kid like me, you've probably got shitloads of homework to do for the long weekends.

And if you're an average, schoolgoing kid like me, you probably haven't done any of it yet.



Nat Wong.
amelia andrea audrey avril bea belicia cheryl claire gabby gayle graceC graceY jaime jean joan joanne teo joylynn kat laura liana liting liz louise maisie nat chin nicole c. sarah shuyi sophia sze tricia ttm yu li liz tricia sze me 2T

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